In 2008, the voters of California spoke. They effectively passed Proposition 8. Proposition 8 is a ballot measure which changed the state constitution in order to prohibit gay marriage. This led to not only a statewide controversy amongst gay rights advocates, but also a nationwide controversy. On August 4, 2010, San-Francisco based U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker overturned Prop 8. Walker repeatedly argued that banning same-sex marriage amounted to sex discrimination because some individuals are denied the right to marry others based solely on their gender. Of course, supporters of Prop 8 are going to appeal the decision and it will more than likely end up going to the Supreme Court.
The fact that this is taking place as we are gearing up for mid-term elections in November puts the government and Obama in a tight spot. The ruling by Walker and the possibility of a ruling in the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays could even help push the issue of same-sex marriage to the forefront of the national agenda. Our government needs to react. Obama has been famous for pushing divisive social issues to the back burner. On top of that, he has, from the beginning, been sitting on the fence when it comes to gay rights. He essentially is trying to please both sides just enough so that they will not try and push the same-sex marriage issue any further right now. He came outright and said that he did not support Proposition 8 because it is discriminatory. He is against amending the U.S. and any state constitution, especially, when it will result in adverse treatment by singling out one specific group. However, Obama has also publicly declared that he is against same-sex marriage. His unwillingness to whole-heartedly support either side of the same-sex marriage issue has left many puzzled. Most journalists believe that he is not gaining anything in his quest for equality for all when he refuses to accept equality for all in marriage.
Just like the issue with immigration and Arizona’s attempt to enforce their own regulation laws, Obama and the national government need to realize that they cannot push these social issues aside anymore. The government has done a good job for years avoiding controversial issues but now the time has come to take a step forward. The citizens of the United States are already beginning to get fed up with the indecisiveness of our national government and they are going to begin to revolt. The government is going to have to take a stand in social issues that will only serve to benefit the equality of people for all. What is the harm in allowing gay couples to celebrate their union in marriage? While people may not find it morally right, it does not physically affect or pose a danger to any one person. If you do not support gay marriage, then don’t marry somebody of the same sex, it’s that simple. We have reached a point in society today that forces us all to re-evaluate our stances on certain issues. The government needs to realize that they need to show all their cards and pick the side that will finally result in equality for all. You cannot keep straddling the fence President Obama, not if you want to have a chance at re-election!
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